Vino Veritas competition for Valentine’s Day!

I will try to bring to your notice interesting competitions I come across and which you can benefit from.  This one is interesting… and you may as well try your luck!  Below are the details (and the clues to win ;))… GOOD LUCK!

Vino Veritas is spreading LOVE this Valentines’ by giving out 14 CASH VOUCHERS to be spent during Valentine’s Day evening, Monday 14th February.

Simply name 3 Vino Veritas dishes on their brand new menu, and you and your loved one could get the chance to celebrate Valentine’s Day dining at Vino Veritas Restaurant spending a little bit less. 🙂

Send them a personal msg with your answer asap adding your contact details including NAME, EMAIL, MOBILE NO. & POSTAL ADDRESS.

Competition Ends Monday 7 February.

Winners will be announced on our Facebook page + notified respectively.

Terms & Conditions may apply.

The actual competition entry can be found here:

and the Vino Veritas Menu (for answers 😉 shhh) can be found here:


Are there calories in tea?

Win a small hamper made up of a variety of healthy and delicious teas kindly offered by the ‘Soap Cafe’!

To participate in the competition you need to subscribe to the blog (on your right hand side press the button: Sign me up!) and then leave a comment to this article listing another product you can find at the Soap Cafe’ (click on the link below for answer ;))

Good Luck!

Following my post about calories in coffee I was asked by many of you to submit similar information about tea.  I am not a great friend of this drink; but…

… a few months ago I went to visit a dear friend, Charlene, at her nice and cosy shop: The Soap Cafe’.   She offered some tea from the vast range she sells and… I have to say it was awesome! 🙂

So I asked her to write some information about tea… to which she kindly replied with not only calorie information but also an interesting article which I am sure you will enjoy reading!


In this obsessive fight against fat, and in the name of the ‘perfect body image’, some people have developed special powers in counting their daily calorie intake. It seems that most of these people manage to take note of every calorie in both their food AND drinks; including our all time favorite quick breakfast… i.e tea! 

So, you might be happy to read this; Tea is one of the few drinks that is virtually calorie free when prepared with nothing but water (… that’s a calorie off your mind!). This means that teas without the additions of milk, sugar, honey, cream or any other additive it’s Calorie and Fat-FREE

So for every teaspoon of sugar you add to your tea you will need to add 16 calories and for every teaspoon of 2% milk you will add 5 calories. So if you have a cup of tea with 2 teaspoons of sugar and 2 teaspoons of 2% milk then you have a cup of tea with 42 calories.

Tea, Brewed, Prep w/Tap Water

Now, let’s try to go deeper then simply counting calories! … Drinking tea has various health benefits.  Moreover, most herbal teas (one of which is green tea) are known to enhance your metabolism, which in turn burns fat in your body. So, if youdrink tea regularly, you can loose weight, prevent aging and have a younger and fresher looking skin.
We all know people in China eat rice and other foods that are rich in starch and carbohydrates. Yet, they do not put on weight. This is because of their centuries old habit of drinking (herbal) tea have turned the Chinese most slim and healthy clan on the earth! Drinking tea after every meal can keep your urge for those colas at bay.

Recent researches have shown that drinking tea regularly can prevent diseases like Alzheimer and cancer. Many studies suggest that green teas, white tea and herbal teas can be given to children from a very young age so that their immune system and skin can remain healthy. So, next time you hold that cup of tea in your hands, leave the pastries and cookies and ENJOYglorious cup of tea…

While thanking Charlene for her very informative article; those of you who want to know more can visit her own blog at

Online Masters Degree – University of Liverpool

Many of you often ask me about information regarding several degrees available for us Maltese at foreign Universities.

The University of Liverpool offers online Master Degrees at the:

+ University of Liverpool Management School (ULMS)

+ School of Electrical Engineering, Electronics & Computer Science

+ School of Population, Community and Behavioural Sciences

+ School of Law and Social Justice

+ School of Psychology

It seems the University of Liverpool has already attracted a number of Maltese students, so why not go ahead and take a look at their website and ask for more information (free) by following the link underneath:

Good Luck!!!

How many calories in coffee, cappuccino, mocha etc…

My friends know that I am a coffee addict! I take countless amounts of coffees and this is my one and only dilemma whenever I am following a diet.

So today I searched the web to know the actual truth about how many calories I’m downing with every cup of coffee I take!

Well surprise surprise… I found it is much less than what I was actually fearing!  🙂 (Considering the coffees I take are not exactly like the one pictured above ;))

We should be cautious however of the coffees we take from cafeterias!  We all know how delicious they are; but the calories in them are ‘slightly’ on the high side!

Well I solve that problem by actually taking a Mc Donalds cappuccino, which has 130 calories, as a dessert!

Have a look at the tables below and work out for yourself how you will be managing your coffees!!!


NB: Please be aware of other issues concerned with coffee apart from calories! 😉

How Many Calories in Coffee?

By Jim F.

There is considerable confusion over the caloric content of coffee. Not all coffee drinks are high in calories. Coffee (without additives) is almost a zero calorie drink.

Here is a complete guide to understanding coffee calories.

Coffee is almost Zero Calorie

According to the USDA nutrient database – an 8 ounce cup of coffee (brewed from grounds) has just 2 (yes two) Calories. The calories come from a tiny amount of protein and some mono-unsaturated oils.

So: coffee beans + water = virtually calorie-free.

It’s about Milk and Sugar

When we talk about about a coffee high in calories – we are really talking about the additives we put in it. Caffeine is a bitter chemical and products containing caffeine are bitter – so we tend to sweeten them up – with milk, sugar, or syrups.

Add in cream, a pump of flavored syrup, and some sugar – and you are in for a very calorie-dense drink – more like sweetened milk than coffee.

Calories in Common Coffee Drinks


Volume (oz)


Instant coffee

1 rounded tsp dry powder


Instant coffee



Espresso Coffee



Brewed Coffee



McDonald’s Cappuccino



McDonald’s Latte



McDonald’s Mocha



McDonald’s Brewed Coffee (Large)



Starbucks Brewed Coffee



Starbucks Caffè Americano



Starbucks Caffè Latte



Starbucks Caffè Mocha (no whip)



Starbucks Caffè Mocha (whip)



Starbucks Cappucino



Starbucks Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha (whip)



Starbucks Caffe Vanilla Frappucino Blended Coffee (whip)



Starbucks Hot Chocolate (no whip)



Coffee Extras

Many people use non-dairy creamers in their coffee. However, as the chart below shows – these still contain Calories.


Calories (per Tablespoon)





Whole milk


Fat-free milk




McDonald’s Coffee Cream (liquid)


Plain nondairy creamer (powder)


Plain, light nondairy creamer (powder)


Flavored nondairy creamer (powder)


Flavored, reduced-fat nondairy creamer (powder)


Plain nondairy creamer (liquid)


Plain, light nondairy creamer (liquid)


Flavored nondairy creamer (liquid)


Flavored, reduced-fat nondairy creamer (liquid)


The Bottom Line

If you are looking at reducing the amount of calories in your diet and coffee is your thing: It’s time to work on that sweet tooth. The best option is to drink an Americano (espresso + water). Believe it or not, espresso drinks have less caffeine than brewed drinks (where the water is in contact with the coffee grounds for a longer time).

Minimize the amount of extras you put into your coffee – and you may well remove a significant amount of Calories from your diet.

Adapted from


Win 600 Euro from ASOS!!!

Yes ASOS, a favourite online fashion store for many women (and on a lesser count men!); is giving away 600 Euro to five (5) persons in a very simple competition which is also available to users from Malta!

The competition is being conducted on facebook and you need to follow a few simple rules as described in the following link…

…but there is a trick… ASOS will only reward five winners if 25,000 people log in before midday (1pm for Malta) tomorrow!!!

So get moving; sign in…. and pass on the word with all your friends!!!

Share this post on your wall!


Real beauty is within!

I love make-up and I believe women should enjoy using cosmetics to enhance their natural beauty… It also makes us feel good… so why not! 🙂

… but when you see magazines, posters and those ‘perfect’ images of women… remember that there is more than they eye can see!!

Enjoy this video…

A very cheap and yummy meal! :)

This is a meal which is very cheap, quick  and also healthy.   I’m sure you would appreciate this if you are:

a) on a diet

b) on a budget and

c) particularly busy

The meal is made up of:

1 pork chop

Half an onion chopped coarsely

4 big mushrooms chopped into chunky pieces

4 tablespoons tomato purée (passata di pomodoro)

Quarter of a teaspoon sugar

2 tablespoons frozen peas

Tiny piece of red hot chilli pepper

Boiled vegetables

The meal can be prepared by:

1. Cooking the pork chop in a microwave on 900W for around 8 minutes (or until cooked thoroughly)

2. In the meantime boil vegetables of your choice in a saucepan (I have cauliflower and brussels sprouts)

3. Cook the onions and mushrooms in a non-stick pan until the onions are tender.  Add the red hot chilli pepper. (No oils ;))

4. Add the (already cooked) pork loin to the pan, cover with the tomato purée and top with the frozen peas.  Remember to add the sugar to balance the acid found in the tomato.

5. Cook for five more minutes and serve with the boiled vegetables.

PS: I added some parsley on top of the boiled vegetables!


One pork loin costs 75c and I estimate that the other ingredients did not exceed 75c so the meal costs around 1.50 Euro or less!!! Enjoy 🙂

A quick and healthy lunch from yesterday’s leftover!

I had a piece of cooked chicken breast from yesterday’s meal and since I believe it is a pity to waste such stuff, I tucked it away in the fridge, thinking how best to use it for today’s lunch!

Here is the pleasant result! 🙂

Was it worth saving it? … I await your comments!

The ‘what’s in it’ and ‘how to‘?

What’s in it:

1 piece of chicken breast cooked (mine was grilled)

100g fresh mushrooms

Half avocado

Tiny piece of red hot chilli pepper

Boiled Vegetables

How to:

1. Slice the chicken breast into strips and the mushrooms into chunky pieces and put in a shallow ‘non-stick’ pan. (Do not add any water or oils)

2. Cut the red hot chilli pepper into small rings and add to the pan.

3. Cook on a slow burner until the mushrooms are cooked and the chicken is hot all over.

4. Chop the avocado into chunky pieces and add in the last few minutes.  (The avocado only needs to become warm; if overcooked it will lose it’s shape and texture).

5. Serve with boiled vegetables.

May we all take the example of this great man!

On a Sunday morning, it’s good to start the day by knowing that there ARE great individuals out there who use their money to help feed others, and also love and care for people who are dying out of poverty!

A great video…

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Vacancy – Childcare Assistants


The Foundation for Educational Services (FES) is active in the field of social inclusion and runs a range of innovative educational initiatives and services.

An opportunity for Childcare Assistants has arisen to join the Foundation’s team.

Childcare Assistants

ETC Permit No: 123/2010

MPO Ref No: /189/2005/3

Applicants must be in possession of an Ordinary level standard of education and MCAST National Diploma in Children’s Care, Learning and Development or ETC Child Care Certificate (0-5 years) or equ

ivalent. Working experience in Childcare will be an asset.

Applicants in possession of qualifications awarded by foreign or other institutions are to produce a recognition statement on comparability of qualifications issued by the Malta Qualifications Recognition Information Centre (MQRIC) within the Ministry of Education, Employment and the Family which should be attached to the application.

All applicants are to submit two character refe

rences with the applications.

A detailed job description can be downloaded from the Foundation’s website: (

Applications with Europass CV are to reach the Foundation by Friday, 4th February, 2011. Only eligible applications will be acknowledged.

Applications are to be addressed to:

Foundation for Educational Services,

Attn: Ms Marvic Ellul

P.O.Box 1, Rabat, RBT 1000

Tel: (+356) 2145 5600/7

Fax: (+356) 2145 5625


Taken from:



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